Every homeowner has a vision of their property being surrounded by lush green grass. However, while having greenery around your property is a sight for sore eyes, this is also a project that entails massive amounts of time. Thus, many homeowners have found an equally pretty yet much more simple solution – artificial turf. While artificial turf will entail making a significant investment, it will also be beneficial in the long run. Artificial grass isn’t as demanding as the real deal, which is why it saves a lot of your time. At Peak Services, we like to commend people for a wise decision of opting for artificial grass. And to give you a helping hand, we’ve decided to compose a guide to installing your artificial turf in Nevada. Hopefully, you’ll be able to gain some valuable insights after reading it.

Having a beautiful patch of greenery around your home is a sight for sore eyes.
Opt for professional assistance
Let’s start by stating the obvious – having a professional install your artificial turf is going to save you from a world of problems and plenty of headaches. Nobody doubts your ability to lay artificial grass properly – but nobody can argue that professionals can do it a lot more quickly and efficiently. Thus, if you value your time above all else, make sure to opt for artificial turf maintenance companies.
Nowadays, you can find a plethora of professionals that offer various price points, so you can find an option that will work best for your budget. However, make it your mission to always see the portfolio of a professional you are thinking of hiring, no matter their prices. In fact, go one step further and look for word-of-mouth recommendations. They are the most reliable way to be sure that you’ve found good artificial turf installers.
Installing your artificial turf in Nevada in 8 simple steps
If you are bent on laying down the artificial turf on your own, Peak Services is more than glad to offer some pro tips to simplify the process. And if you find it too time-consuming, our team is just a phone call away. So, here are the eight steps to follow:
1. Do the prep work

Take measures and save yourself from any unnecessary costs.
It seems as though the start of any project is always related to planning. And this won’t be any different. To avoid unnecessary costs and overspending, it’s important to measure the size of the artificial turf in Nevada that you will need.
If you are not sure that you want to rely on apps that can help you measure distances or approach it in the good old DIY style, we suggest you opt for the latter. You will not make a mistake by using a simple tape measure. Bear in mind that it might not be possible to calculate the exact number, and you might have to make do with a rough estimate. Trust us – this will be enough to avoid waste and cut-offs.
2. Remove the lawn
When it comes to the project of installing artificial turf in Nevada, this just might be the most challenging part from a physical aspect. Granted, having the proper equipment can make the process a lot easier, but people don’t usually possess those. If a spade and wheelbarrow are all you have at hand, then prepare yourself for a long and demanding process.
The goal is to cut small pieces of lawn at a time by using the spade, and the squares should be of just the right size that allows you to fit the spade under it and lift the piece so that it’s no longer attached to the lawn. Keep in mind that removing the roots might be especially difficult as some of them can be deeply rooted (no pun intended). This is going to be a physical job, so you will need to take care of your body during it.
Take frequent breaks, pay special attention to your nutrition and sleep, hydrate yourself, and listen to your body. If you become too overwhelmed or tired, it’s best to call it a day and rest.
3. A base of granite dust

Contact professional turf installers if you become overwhelmed by the process.
This is where things get a bit more technical. To ensure an even distribution, we suggest you begin by placing a crushed stone base. This would help keep together the subbase’s top, which should be perfectly leveled. To ensure the perfect depth, we suggest you aim for 15 to 50 mm. Likewise, we advise you to measure the depth only of that first patch.
Fill out the rest by trusting what you see, and relying on your good judgment to get it right. Otherwise, you might spend every minute of your free time laying granite dust, only to discover that it will take more time than you initially thought. Bear in mind that you can contact a professional throughout any step of the process. It’s never too late to ask for help when you really need it.
4. Geotextile membrane
When installing your artificial turf in Nevada, you are probably hoping that it will last for quite some time. In fact, the longer it manages to last, the better. That’s why it’s important to lay the weed membrane in order to ensure its longevity. To prevent weed growth which can affect the overall look of your lawn, it would be helpful to place this product on top of the subbase. Bear in mind that you could also lay it under the subbase, so the order of things really boils down to your preference.
While this process might sound like a complicated one, it actually doesn’t require a lot of time, knowledge, or effort. All you have to do is unroll the membrane over the area where your turf will be, and you will be done with this step. It’s a good thing that not every part of the job is difficult and complex. Otherwise, not every person would opt for installing artificial grass in Nevada.
5. Installing your artificial turf in Nevada
This is the moment that you have been waiting for, as you’ll soon be enjoying the fruits of your labor. Right now, the first thing you ought to do is commend yourself for a job well done. After all, it took quite a lot of work and effort to get to this point. But once you are done celebrating, it’s time to get to work, because you are not done just yet.
For starters, we suggest you assess the entire situation. You will want to lay your turf in a way that will minimize waste and cut-offs. The golden rule of turf laying is to always lay it by locating the longest edge and making it your starting point, as that will help you avoid most cutting. Of course, this isn’t always a possibility, but it should be implemented in most cases.
The second tip about laying an artificial turf in Nevada we can give you is to always give yourself plenty of time. At this step, in particular, you will want to roll out the grass and leave it in your yard for a whole day. This will provide enough time for the turf to fall into place, after which you can stretch the turf so that it becomes flat.

You might be pressed for time, but this isn’t something you should do in a rush.
If all of this seems like too much work, remember that you always have the option of contacting professionals. Whether in need of residential or commercial turf cleaning and installment, there are always companies that can help you handle the job much more quickly. Many times, the money you spend will be directly compensated by the time you get to save.
6. Trim the excess lawn
Now that your new lawn is in place, it’s time to give it the desired shape. We suggest that you invest extra effort to shape your lawn to perfection. But be careful – once you cut off a piece of your lawn, there’s no going back. It would be better to cut little pieces of lawn at a time and repeat the process as many times as necessary. That will make it impossible to make a mistake that can’t be reversed.
Thus, we suggest you don’t even begin this process if you are already strapped for time. People usually make mistakes when in a rush. This isn’t something you will want to do after making an expensive investment such as this one.
7. Join artificial grass
You want the joins on your artificial turf to be as neat and as invisible as possible. That’s why we suggest you pay attention to the following procedure:
- Start by cutting off the manufactured edge strip, and proceed by cutting off another three to four stitches.
- Fold back the edges and make sure that they meet down the center of the tape once you join them.
- Apply adhesive tape.
- Fold the carpet into the wet adhesive and make sure that you have another person helping you with this task, as it will prevent the entire carpet from folding back.
- Apply pressure on the seem until the glue is dry.

It’s always good to have a helping hand when installing your turf.
And voila – all the joints on your artificial turf will come together into one beautiful whole. Bear in mind that the final result of this process will directly reflect the time and care you put into it. If you invest more time into the process, you’ll get smoother seams – and vice versa. There’s your motivation to dedicate enough time to this task and do a good job.
8. Apply filler sand
As a finishing touch, we always suggest you spread and brush in filler sand. And while you can use different types of sand, you have to be rather careful when it comes to your timing. The sand has to be brushed in, which is why this action should be carried out during warm, dry weather. Doing it on a rainy day will affect the way your turf ends up looking, and making a bad decision at this point of the process would be a shame, considering everything that you have been through up to this point.
Many people worry whether the sand will blend in seamlessly – it will, but only if you are careful. That’s why it’s important to brush out the sand and avoid that sand-colored artificial grass look that most people are afraid of.
It’s a general rule of thumb to use five kilograms of sand per square foot of grass. However, the exact amount of sand that will be used can differ, which is why it’s best to assess your situation carefully. The good news is that you can’t make a catastrophic mistake even if you buy less than necessary. You can always run for more sand and still have that desired end result.
The bottom line
The process of installing your artificial turf in Nevada is undoubtedly going to come with some challenges. There’s no denying the fact that this will be a long and arduous process – but it will come with a great final outcome.
In fact, we’ll go as far as to say that the outcome will be worthy of all the trouble you are about to go through. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether you want to go through any trouble at all or opt for professional assistance.
There’s always the option of having your Nevada turf installed by a company that handles these types of projects. And once you find yourself in need of turf cleaning and maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you keep your artificial lawn in its optimal condition.